大家知道CodeIgniter框架式MVC分层的,通常大家把业务逻辑写到Controller中,而Model只负责和数据库打交道。 但是随着业务越来越复杂,controller越来越臃肿,举一个简单的例子,比如说用户下订单,这必然会有一系列的操作:更新购物车、添加订单记录、会员添加积分等等,且下订单的过程可能在多种场景出现,如果这样的代码放controller中则很臃肿难以复用,如果放model会让持久层和业务层耦合。现在公司的项目就是,很多人将一些业务逻辑写到model中去了,model中又调其它model,也就是业务层和持久层相互耦合。这是极其不合理的,会让model难以维护,且方法难以复用。 是不是可以考虑在controller和model中加一个业务层service,由它来负责业务逻辑,封装好的调用接口可以被controller复用。
这样各层的任务就明确了: 基于上面描述,实现过程: (1)让CI能够加载service,service目录放在application下,因为CI系统没有service,则在application/core下新建扩展MY_Service.php <?php class MY_Service { public function __construct() { log_message('debug', "Service Class Initialized"); } function __get($key) { $CI = & get_instance(); return $CI->$key; } } (2)扩展CI_Loader实现,加载service,在application/core下新建MY_Loader.php文件: <?php class MY_Loader extends CI_Loader { /** * List of loaded sercices * * @var array * @access protected */ protected $_ci_services = array(); /** * List of paths to load sercices from * * @var array * @access protected */ protected $_ci_service_paths = array(); /** * Constructor * * Set the path to the Service files */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); load_class('Service','core'); $this->_ci_service_paths = array(APPPATH); } /** * Service Loader * * This function lets users load and instantiate classes. * It is designed to be called from a user's app controllers. * * @param string the name of the class * @param mixed the optional parameters * @param string an optional object name * @return void */ public function service($service = '', $params = NULL, $object_name = NULL) { if(is_array($service)) { foreach($service as $class) { $this->service($class, $params); } return; } if($service == '' or isset($this->_ci_services[$service])) { return FALSE; } if(! is_null($params) && ! is_array($params)) { $params = NULL; } $subdir = ''; // Is the service in a sub-folder? If so, parse out the filename and path. if (($last_slash = strrpos($service, '/')) !== FALSE) { // The path is in front of the last slash $subdir = substr($service, 0, $last_slash + 1); // And the service name behind it $service = substr($service, $last_slash + 1); } foreach($this->_ci_service_paths as $path) { $filepath = $path .'service/'.$subdir.$service.'.php'; if ( ! file_exists($filepath)) { continue; } include_once($filepath); $service = strtolower($service); if (empty($object_name)) { $object_name = $service; } $service = ucfirst($service); $CI = &get_instance(); if($params !== NULL) { $CI->$object_name = new $service($params); } else { $CI->$object_name = new $service(); } $this->_ci_services[] = $object_name; return; } } } (3)简单例子实现 控制器中调用service : <?php class User extends CI_Controller { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->service('user_service'); } public function login() { $name = 'codetc.com'; $psw = 'password'; print_r($this->user_service->login($name, $psw)); } } service中调用model: <?php class User_service extends MY_Service { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->model('user_model'); } public function login($name, $password) { $user = $this->user_model->get_user_by_where($name, $password); //..... //..... //..... return $user; } } model中你只跟db打交道: <?php class User_model extends CI_Model { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); } public function get_user_by_where($name, $password) { //$this->db //...... //...... return array('id' => 1, 'name' => 'mckee'); } } 基本实现思路就是这样的。
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