在线手册:中文 英文


PHP 和 HTML 有很多相互作用:PHP 能生成 HTML,HTML 可以向 PHP 传递信息。在阅读这些常见问题之前,先学会怎样 从 PHP 之外取得变量很重要。此主题的手册页也包括很多例子。还要仔细留意 register_globals对你意味着什么。

  1. 当我通过表单/URL 传值时需要用什么编码/解码方法?
  2. 我在试用 <input type="image"> 标记,但是没有 $foo.x和 $foo.y变量,它们哪去了?
  3. 怎样在 HTML 的 <form> 中建立数组?
  4. 怎样从可多选的 HTML 的 select multiple 标记中得到所有结果?
  5. 怎样从 Javascript 传递一个变量到 PHP?
当我通过表单/URL 传值时需要用什么编码/解码方法?

在几个环节上编码方式很重要。假定有 string $data,其中包含了想通过非编码方式传递的字符串,那这是相关步骤:

  • HTML 解析。要指定一个任意的字符串, 必须将其放在双引号中,并用 htmlspecialchars()处理整个值。

  • URL:URL 由几部分组成。如果希望自己的数据被当作其中一项来解释, 必须urlencode()对其编码。

Example #1 隐藏的 HTML 表单单元

echo "<input type='hidden' value='" htmlspecialchars($data) . "' />\n";

Note: urlencode()来处理 $data是错误的,因为是浏览器的责任来 urlencode()数据。所有流行的浏览器都能正确处理。注意不论何种方法(例如 GET 或 POST)都会这样。不过只会在用 GET 请求时注意到这一点,因为 POST 请求通常是隐藏的。

Example #2 等待用户编辑的数据

echo "<textarea name='mydata'>\n";

Note: 数据会按照预期的显示在浏览器中,因为浏览器会解释 HTML 转义符号。 当提交时,不论是 GET 或者 POST 方法,数据都会被浏览器进行 urlencode 来传输,并直接被 PHP urldecode。所以最终不需要自己处理任何 urlencoding/urldecoding,全都是自动处理的。

Example #3 URL 中的例子

echo "<a href='" htmlspecialchars("/nextpage.php?stage=23&data=" .
urlencode($data)) . "'>\n";

Note: 事实上这在编造一个 HTML 的 GET 请求,因此需要手工对数据进行 urlencode()

Note: 需要对整个 URL 进行 htmlspecialchars(),因为 URL 是作为 HTML 属性的一个值出现的。在本例中,浏览器会首先对值进行 un- htmlspecialchars(),然后再传递此 URL。PHP 将能正确理解 URL,因为对数据进行了 urlencoded() 要注意到 URL 中的 &被替换成了 &amp;。如果忘了这一步,尽管大多数浏览器都能恢复,但也不总是这样。因此即使 URL 不是动态的,也 需要对 URL 进行 htmlspecialchars()

我在试用 <input type="image"> 标记,但是没有 $foo.x$foo.y变量,它们哪去了?


<input type="image" src="image.gif" name="foo" />
当用户点击了图片的任何部分,该表单会被发送到服务器并加上两个额外的变量: foo.xfoo.y

因为 foo.xfoo.y在 PHP 中会成为非法的变量名,它们被自动转换成了 foo_xfoo_y。也就是用下划线代替了点。因此,可以按照在 来自 PHP 之外的变量这一节中说明的那样访问这些变量。例如, $_GET['foo_x']



怎样在 HTML 的 <form> 中建立数组?

要使你的 <form> 结果被当成 array发送到 PHP 脚本,要对 <input>,<select> 或者 <textarea> 单元这样命名:

<input name="MyArray[]" />
<input name="MyArray[]" />
<input name="MyArray[]" />
<input name="MyArray[]" />
<input name="MyArray[]" />
<input name="MyArray[]" />
<input name="MyOtherArray[]" />
<input name="MyOtherArray[]" />
这将产生两个数组,MyArray 和 MyOtherArray,并发送给 PHP 脚本。还可以给数组分配指定的键名:
<input name="AnotherArray[]" />
<input name="AnotherArray[]" />
<input name="AnotherArray[email]" />
<input name="AnotherArray[phone]" />
AnotherArray 数组将包含键名 0,1,email 和 phone。


指定数组的键名是 HTML 的可选项。如果不指定键名,则数组被按照单元在表单中出现的顺序填充。第一个例子将包含键名 0,1,2 和 3。

参见 数组函数来自 PHP 之外的变量

怎样从可多选的 HTML 的 select multiple 标记中得到所有结果?

可多选的 select multiple 标记是 HTML 的一个构造,允许用户从一个列表中选择多个项目。这些项目接着被传递给该表单 action 中指定的处理程序。问题是它们都会被用同样的名字传递。例如:

<select name="var" multiple="yes">
var=option1 var=option2 var=option3
每个选项将覆盖前面一个 $var变量的内容。解决方案是用 PHP 的“表单单元数组”特性。使用方法如下:
<select name="var[]" multiple="yes">
这将告诉 PHP 将 $var当成数组对待,每个对 var[] 的赋值都会给数组增加一项。第一项将成为 $var[0],下一个是 $var[1],等等。可以用 count()函数来测定选择了多少个项目,必要时可以用 sort()函数来对选项的数组进行排序。

注意如果在 JavaScript 中通过名字来引用单元,单元名字中的 []可能会造成问题。用表单单元中的数字序号来替代,或者将变量名用单引号括起来并用其作为单元数组的索引,例如:

variable = documents.forms[0].elements['var[]'];

怎样从 Javascript 传递一个变量到 PHP?

由于 Javascript (通常情况下)是客户端技术,而 PHP (通常情况下)是服务器端技术,而且 HTTP 是一种“无状态”协议,因此两种语言之间不能直接共享变量。

但是,有可能在二者之间传递变量。一种实现的方法是用 PHP 生成 Javascript 代码,并让浏览器自动刷新,将特定的变量传递回 PHP 脚本。以下例子显示了如何这样做——让 PHP 代码取得显示屏幕的高度和宽度,通常只能在客户端这么做。

if (isset($_GET['width']) AND isset($_GET['height'])) {
// output the geometry variables
echo "Screen width is: "$_GET['width'] ."<br />\n";
"Screen height is: "$_GET['height'] ."<br />\n";
} else {
// pass the geometry variables
  // (preserve the original query string
  //   -- post variables will need to handled differently)

echo "<script language='javascript'>\n";
"  location.href=\"${_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?${_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']}"
"&width=\" + screen.width + \"&height=\" + screen.height;\n";

在线手册:中文 英文


ciprian dot stingu at gmail dot com (17-Feb-2012 07:03)

Sorry for my mistake but the first example is the asynchronous request

ciprian dot stingu at gmail dot com (17-Feb-2012 05:45)

Using jquery is even easier to send (post) data between javascript and php

//make a post request
$.post("somefile.php", {"Param1" : true, "Param2" : 1, "Param3" : "some text"},
        //do something with received data

//make an asynchronous post request
    type: "POST",
    url: "somefile.php",
    data: {"Param1" : true, "Param2" : 1, "Param3" : "some text"},
    success: function(received_data)
        {//do something with received data},
    async: false

jamespclare at gmail dot com (11-Aug-2011 10:57)

To pass information from php to javascript is fairly easy. In the form section you can do something like this:

<form name="InfoPassed" action="MaterialModule.php" method="post">
<input type="text" name="PhpVariable" value="<?php print $_SESSION['Name']; ?>"/>

<script type="text/javascript">
var value=document.InfoPassed.PhpVariable.value;

but doing it the other way (i.e. from Javascript to PHP) is impossible without involving the submit button

<form name="InfoPassed" action="MaterialModule.php" method="post">
<input type="text" name="PhpVariable"/>
<input type="submit" value="Submit"/>

<script type="text/javascript">

//do stuff with variable

I'm more than happy to be corrected but none of the examples stated it was possible to do it without the submit button.

Andreas R. (01-May-2007 01:14)

Actually Example 56.1 doesn't conform to what is stated in the text above it, namely:
* HTML interpretation. In order to specify a random string, you must include it in double quotes, and htmlspecialchars() the whole value.
In the example code single quotes are used instead of double quotes:
echo "<input type='hidden' value='" . htmlspecialchars($data) . "' />\n";
which should be instead:
echo "<input type='hidden' value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($data) . "\" />\n";
If single quotes are used, they should be escaped too using ENT_QUOTES quote style for htmlspecialchars.

francesco (07-Nov-2006 02:41)

Another way to pass variables from JavaScript to PHP.

<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
function getScreenResolution()
    return document.form.ScreenResolution.value = screen.width + "x" + screen.height;
<form name="form" action="screen.php?show=ok" method="post" >
<input name="ScreenResolution" type="text" size="20" maxlength="9" />
<input name="show" type="submit" value="Submit" onclick="getScreenResolution()" />
echo $_POST['ScreenResolution'];

tchibolecafe at freemail dot hu (12-Aug-2006 12:34)

Notes on question "1. What encoding/decoding do I need when I pass a value through a

Doing an htmlspecialchars() when echoing a string as an HTML attribute value is not enough to make the string safe if you have accented (non-ASCII) characters in it. See http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/appendix/notes.html#non-ascii-chars

The referred document recommends the following method to be used:

function fs_attr($path){

'<img src="'.fs_attr($img_path).'">';

However, using utf8 encoding for path names is among others supported by Windows NT, above method fails when running for example on an Apache server on Linux.

A more fail safe way:

function fs_attr($path){


There may be operating systems that want utf8 encoding, other than WINNT. Even this latter one won't work on those systems. I don't know about any possibility to determine immediately which encoding to be used on the file system of the server...

dot dot dot NO php SPAM at NO willfris dot nl SPAM dot dot dot (12-Jul-2006 11:19)

In http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/#C_8 it says:
"Unfortunately, this constraint cannot be expressed in the XHTML 1.0 DTDs."

http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/#C_8 also says: "When defining fragment identifiers to be backward-compatible, only strings matching the pattern [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9:_.-]* should be used."
I'll come back to this.

Since it's all about fragment identifiers, I can't see why using an array like arrayname[] would be used. I think arrayname[name] should be used this way the fragment identifiers stay unique.
Since [ and ] are not allowed, why not use something what is allowed and use str_replace?
example:   :_. = [ & ._: = ]   so: name="arrayname:_.name._:" OR name="arrayname:_.0._:" and offcourse also add the id attribute then for backward compatibility.

Torsten (22-Feb-2006 10:30)

Section C.8 of the XHTML spec's compatability guidelines apply to the use of the name attribute as a fragment identifier.  If you check the DTD you'll find that the 'name' attribute is still defined as CDATA for form elements.

jetboy (30-Dec-2005 03:06)

While previous notes stating that square brackets in the name attribute are valid in HTML 4 are correct, according to this:


the type of the name attribute has been changed in XHTML 1.0, meaning that square brackets in XHTML's name attribute are not valid.

Regardless, at the time of writing, the W3C's validator doesn't pick this up on a XHTML document.

FatalError (29-Dec-2005 10:29)

Actually, you can pass variables between JavaScript and PHP without even refreshing the page. To do this, you have to use AJAX, which is what dmsuperman at comcast dot net was showing in that example.

tms at infamous dot net (23-Nov-2005 02:23)

Regarding drane's claim that square brackets ([]) in form input elements (as PHP uses for arrays in forms) are invalid HTML: the NAME attribute of an input element is CDATA, not NAME or ID.

Square brackets are allowed in CDATA, no problem.

(Link is mangled because it's too long:

http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224/ interact/forms.html#h-17.4

rybasso (06-Oct-2005 10:19)

If U wish to build POST request depend on form which contains select-multiple use the following js code:

var id = theForm.elements[e].id;

if (theForm.elements[e].type=='select-multiple') {
                for (f=0;f<theForm.elements[e].length;f++) {
                         qs+= id+'['+f+']='+escape(theForm.elements[e].options[f].value);

dmsuperman at comcast dot net (10-Sep-2005 05:05)

Here's a great way to pass JavaScript to PHP without even leaving the page:

<script type="text/javascript">

function xmlreq(){
    req = new XMLHttpRequest();
  }else if(window.ActiveXObject){
    req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
function sendPhp(url){
  var req = xmlreq();
  req.onreadystatechange = stateHandler;
  req.open("GET", url, true);


fuchs at michaelfuchs dot org (09-Aug-2005 08:54)

Here's a new one, which might cause problems for people:

To make my multiple select box contents accessible to both PHP and JavaScript (using getElementById()), I was using both name and id attributes - and naming them the same, for consistency:

<select multiple="multiple" id="bob[]" name="bob[]">

However, I've discovered that - for reasons unknown - using the brackets in the id causes only a single value (rather than multiple values) to get returned to the $_POST['bob'] array. What you want is:

<select multiple="multiple" id="bob" name="bob[]">

Hope this saves some time/frustration.

fib at affordit dot fr (13-Jul-2005 03:26)

I was working on a small interface for a client and he wanted a template to be generated dynamically. The issue came up when I had to retrieve the values for an array of text variables. I couldn't find any tutorial to help me out so after a few investigations this is how I made it work:

    for (


 Hope this helps someone ... at least they will do the job sooner than I did :D.

levinb at cs dot rpi dot edu (17-Jun-2005 05:17)

Well, I was working on this one project, on the assumption that I could get the values of all elements with the same name from an appropriately named array.  Well, I was *very* disappointed when I couldn't, so I made it so I did anyway.

The following script should convert the raw post data to a $_POST variable, with form data from SELECT elements and their ilk being transformed into an array.  It's heavily unoptimized, and I probably missed something, but it's relatively easy to read.  I welcome corrections.


if ($_POST) {
$postdata = file_get_contents('php://input');
$uglybugger = '/(?<=&)([^&=]+)(?:=([^&]*))/';
$matches = array();

preg_match_all($uglybugger, $postdata, $matches);

$_POST = array();

$match_count = count($matches[0]);
        for (
$i = 0; $i < $match_count; $i++) {
                if (!isset(
$_POST[$matches[1][$i]])) {
$_POST[$matches[1][$i]] = array();
$_POST[$matches[1][$i]][] = $matches[2][$i];
$match_count = count($_POST);
        for (
$i = 0; $i < $match_count; $i++) {
                if (
count($_POST[$i]) == 1) {
$_POST[$i] = $_POST[$i][0];


noah at noah dot org (10-May-2005 06:10)

In your action, "random_picker_action.php"
shouldn't you initialize $picks? The code didn't work
for me until I added the line:
    $picks = $_REQUEST['picks'];

Here is the full random_picker_action.php


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
   <title>How to Pass an Array from Javascript to PHP: Action Page</title>
  <!-- File: random_picker_action.php -->
<h3>How to Pass an Array from Javascript to PHP: Action Page</h3>
= $_REQUEST['picks'];
$picks = urldecode(stripslashes($picks));
"<b>JavaScript said: " . $picks . "</b><p>";
$picks = unserialize($picks);
sizeof($picks) > 0)
"You picked the following items:<p>";
$item = each($picks))
$item['value'] . " off, " . str_replace("_", " ", $item['key']) . "<br>";
"You did not pick any items<p>";

richard dot prangnell at ntlworld dot com (27-Feb-2005 05:09)

Further to my note posted on  26-Feb-2005 at 04:44, I have refined the JavaScript function "send_picks()" to make it more robust and universal. The original version was designed to handle string keys and +ve integer key values only; fine for the original purpose of handling random picks for a shopping cart application but it produced a mal-formed array if any -ve or non-integer key values were submitted. The new version treats both keys and key values as strings, irrespective of the data type; and we all know just how easy it is to manipulate numeric strings as numbers in PHP:-). Key values can now be anything you like; including:
"2 dozen"
"A gross"
and so forth. Here's the updated code:

    <script type="text/javascript">
      function send_picks()
        var e, picked = 0;
        for (var i = 0 ; i < form1.elements.length - 2; i++)
          e = form1.elements[i];
          if(e.value != "0" && e.value.length > 0)
            e = form1.elements[i]
                form1.picks.value = form1.picks.value + "s:"
              + e.name.length + ":\"" + e.name + "\";s:"
              + e.value.length + ":\"" + e.value + "\";";
        form1.picks.value = "a:" + picked + ":{" + form1.picks.value + "}";

Note the line:
        for (var i = 0 ; i < form1.elements.length - 2; i++)
The  "-2" term is to let the function skip the last 2 elements in the form, a "hidden" input and the "submit" button. No doubt different form layouts will need a different value here.
An incidental bonus is that getting JavaScript to process a floating point input as a string rather than a number avoids the usual rounding errors that tend to turn an input such as "1.2" into a number beginning 1.199999... with about 30 places of decimals - yes, its JavaScript rather than PHP that is responsible for this kind of behaviour.

richard dot prangnell at ntlworld dot com (26-Feb-2005 04:44)

The following HTML form page and PHP action page illustrate an elegant and powerful client side JavaScript to server side PHP data transfer technique perfectly matched to PHP's associative array feature. Browse to the form page and select some items by entering an INTEGER > 1 then click on Submit (Don't put strings or reals in the input fields - error trapping has been stripped out for brevity). Try selecting one, some, all or none of the items, changing the names of the form input variables (and the associated labels, for clarity!) or adding to the number of items "on offer". At no point do you need to alter either the JavaScript function or the action page in any way - just be aware that extra coding and error trapping is required - especially where the key values in the application could be something other than integers:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
    <title>How to Pass an Array from Javascript to PHP: Form Page</title>
  <!-- File: random_picker.php -->
    <script type="text/javascript">
      function send_picks()
        var picked = 0;
        for (var i = 0 ; i < form1.elements.length; i++)
          if(form1.elements[i].value > 0)
            e = form1.elements[i]
                form1.picks.value = form1.picks.value + "s:" + e.name.length + ":\""
            + e.name + "\";i:" + e.value + ";";

        form1.picks.value = "a:" + picked + ":{" + form1.picks.value + "}";
<h3 align="center">How to Pass an Array from Javascript to PHP: Form Page</h3>
<form name="form1" action="random_picker_action.php" method="post"
<table align="center" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
  <tr><td>Item 13</td>
  <td><input type="text" name="item_13" value="0" size="4"></td>
  <tr><td>Part number 2</td>
  <td><input type="text" name="Part_number_2" value="0" size="4"></td>
  <tr><td>Drawing ref 327</td>
  <td><input type="text" name="Drawing_ref_327" value="0" size="4"></td>
  <tr><td>Organic Carrots</td>
  <td><input type="text" name="Organic_carrots" value="0" size="4"></td>
  <tr><td colspan="2" align="center">
      <input type="submit" value="Submit Picks">
      <input type="hidden" name="picks" value=""></td>

The action page for the above form page is listed below. Notice the really ingenious feature; the form variable is simply unserialized  to turn it into a fully functional PHP array! The action page doesn't need to know anything about "expected" variable names because everything PHP needs to know is right inside the array. Note also that for maximum efficiency only "picked" item data is sent. If no items at all are picked, a perfectly formed empty array is sent:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
    <title>How to Pass an Array from Javascript to PHP: Action Page</title>
  <!-- File: random_picker_action.php -->
<h3>How to Pass an Array from Javascript to PHP: Action Page</h3>
= urldecode(stripslashes($picks));
"<b>JavaScript said: " . $picks . "</b><p>";
$picks = unserialize($picks);
sizeof($picks) > 0)
"You picked the following items:<p>";
$item = each($picks))
$item['value'] . " off, " . str_replace("_", " ", $item['key']) . "<br>";
"You did not pick any items<p>";

I hope you find this technique useful - let me know what you think - I can already hear the jaws of Java Jocks dropping!

alberto dot delatorre at gmail dot com (15-Jan-2005 07:41)

Other way to make a form with array fields, and use JavaScript features on them, is use both name and id attributes on the field as:

<input type="text" name="myfield[]" id="myfield1"/>
<input type="text" name="myfield[]" id="myfield2"/>
<script language="JavaScript">

This is an easy way to do it. To number the fields, do a simple for structure and you have done.

dreptack at op dot pl (02-Jan-2005 08:37)

I needed to post html form through image input element. But my problem was I had to use multiple image-buttons, each one for a single row of form table. Pressing the button was mention to tell script to delete this row from table and also (in the same request) save other data from the form table.
I wrote simple test-script to see what variable I should check for in a script:

I have a html document:

<form action="test.php" method="post">
<input type="image" name="varscalar" src="/images/no.gif" />
<input type="image" name="vararray[12]" src="/images/no.gif" />

And a php script:
if ($_POST) {
"post: <pre>"; print_r($_POST); echo '</pre>';

What I've discovered suprised me a lot!

After hitting on varscalar:

    [varscalar_x] => 6
    [varscalar_y] => 7

After hitting on upper right corner of vararray:

    [vararray] => Array
            [12] => 2


This mean when clicking on image-type input element, which name is an array, only y-part of a value is remembered.

The result is the same on: php 4.1.2 on Win98se, php 4.3.9-1 on linux

seec77 at zahav dot net dot il (22-Dec-2004 11:35)

Another unfortunate result of appending "[]" to input field names to pass form data in arrays to PHP, is that people will be able to detect you are running PHP. You can tell by the whole documentation section on hiding PHP, that some people might not want the public to know their site is generated with PHP (usually for security reasons), but the "[]" will blow your cover.
So beware! If you are trying to hide PHP, you will have to stay away from passing form data as arrays!

Karen (05-Aug-2004 01:38)

I am using code I got from SitePoint that uses stripslashes because of magic quotes...I finally figured out that it kept my html form select multiple field from working correctly even though I was using name="arrName[]" as the field name -- I was only getting the word array as the value, and all the things I tried there was nothing else there. The stripslashes was part of an included include file, so it took me hours to debug.  Hopefully this will help keep others from wasting time.

Jim Granger (19-Jun-2004 06:11)

Kenn White wrote:

So for XHTML strict, the bottom line:
 1. form, use id, not name
 2. input, use id if you can, but if you need to use bracketed notation (for example, passing PHP arrays), i.e., foo[], you *MUST* use name for XHTML strict validation.

I don't think they are going to deprecate name entirely. For one thing, to be of any use, radio boxes and occasionally checkboxes must have the same identifying mark, in this case a name. By the rules of the DTD, id's MUST be unique. In that respect, it is probably better to not use id in input elements at all.

Of course, it's a good idea to use ids as sparingly as possible.

ppmm at wuxinan dot net (14-Jun-2004 12:11)

3. How do I create arrays in a HTML <form>?

The feature is nice in the sense of simplifying programming. However, this does have side-effect. Look at this URL below:


As a common viewpoint, exposing the absolute filesystem path in the webpage is always a bad thing. I reported this problem at bugs.php.net a few days before and I get a response saying "it's up to programmers". I think it's fair, however, webmaster should really learn to check the variables at the beginning of the script. In the above case, the PHP script should at least check like this:

if (!is_string(url)) die("with some error message");

As what I experienced, many PHP-based websites have this problem. I would think a perfect solution is that PHP does not do this automatic parsing, and when a PHP script expects an array to be posted, they would do something like

parse_http_array($_GET, "url");

only after this point, $_GET['url']) exists. Before this statement, only $_GET['url[]'] is available. Well, I am kind of too demanding I guess, but what I really intended to say is that webmaster should know this problem.

vlad at vkelman dot com (05-Jun-2004 03:04)

"4.  How do I get all the results from a select multiple HTML tag?"

I think that behavior of PHP which forces to use [] after a name of 'select' control with multiple attribute specified is very unfortunate. I understand it comes from old times when registerglobals = on was commonly used. But it creates incompatibility between PHP and ASP or other server-side scripting languages. The same HTML page with 'select' control cannot post to PHP and ASP server pages, because ASP does not require [] and automatically recognize when arrays are posted.

Kenn White kennwhite dot nospam at hotmail dot com (13-Mar-2004 04:18)

Concerning XHTML Strict and array notation in forms, hopefully the information below will be useful:

If I have a form, name="f", and, say, an input text box, name="user_data[Password]", then in Javascript, to reference it I would do something like:
var foo = f['user_data[Password]'].value;

Now, say that in making the switch to XHTML strict, I decide to fully embrace standards compliance, and change my form to id="f", and the input text box to id="user_data[Password]"

Because these have id instead of name, I discover, that all my javascript validation routines just broke.  It seems that I have to now change all my js code to something like:

document.getElementById( 'user_data[Password]' ).focus();

I test this on all the major modern browsers, and it works well.  I'm thinking, Great!  Until I try to validate said page.  It turns out that the bracket characters are invalid in id attributes.  Ack!  So I read this thread:

(link needs to be spliced, sorry)

What does this mean, I start asking myself?  Do I have to abandon my goal to migrate to XHTML strict?  Transitional seems so unsatisfying.  And why bother with a technique that seems to work on most browsers, if it's broken.  Alas, there is hope.

But then I read http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/#h-4.10 carefully.  It says "name" is deprecated as a form attribute, but *NOT* specifically as an attribute in form *elements*.  It seems my solution is to use "id" for the form itself, but I can legally use "name" for the individual form components, such as select and text input boxes.  I get the impression that "name" as an attribute is eventually going away completely, but in extensive testing using the W3C validator, it passes "name" on form components, as long as "id" (or, strangely, nothing) is used to denote the form itself.

So for XHTML strict, the bottom line:
 1. form, use id, not name
 2. input, use id if you can, but if you need to use bracketed notation (for example, passing PHP arrays), i.e., foo[], you *MUST* use name for XHTML strict validation.


davis at risingtiger dot net (09-Jan-2004 08:14)

I thought this might be useful to fellow PHP heads like myself out there.

I recently came across a need to transfer full fledged mutli-dimensional arrays from PHP to JAVASCRIPT.

So here it is and hopefuly good things come from it.

function phparray_jscript($array, $jsarray)
$array as $key => $value)
                echo (
$localarray.$dimen."[\"$key\"] = new Array();\n");
                echo (
$localarray.$dimen."[\"$key\"] = \"$value\";\n");

"<script language=\"Javascript1.1\">\n";
"var $jsarray = new Array();\n";

email at njschedules dot com (19-Oct-2003 05:13)

If you try to include an XHTML document in a PHP document, you may be including this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>

which would, of course, be read as PHP code. To avoid this problem, use:

<?php echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?>"; ?>

Hope I can save you from those nasty warning messages :)

(03-Oct-2003 11:25)

Responding to the suggestion for using this line:

<form onSubmit="selection.name=selection.name + '[]'">

This did not work for me.  I had to make a function makeArray:

function makeArray(selectBox)
selectBox.name=selectBox.name + "[]";

Then, in the submit button, add this:


I couldn't get anything else to work.


jasonpb at bellsouth dot net (30-Sep-2003 07:29)

Another good way for passing javascript to php without having to have a page reload is to use an img tag.

Add this where you want to collect the vars from
This can also be a .html page
<script language="javascript">
// Define variables
if (navigator.appname != 'Netscape') {color= "color="+screen.colorDepth+"&";}
else {color = "color="+screen.pixelDepth+"&";}
avail = "avail="+screen.availwidth+"x"+screen.availheight+"&";
res = "res="+screen.width+"x"+screen.height;
isize = '" width="1" height="1" border="0"';
// Generate img tag
img = '<img name="img"
//Print it to browser

Now you have the javascript vars passed along to the javascript.php page, all thats left is to add a couple lines of php code to gather the info up.

// Get the vars from the javascript
$res = $_GET['res'];
$avail_res = $_GET['avail'];
$color_depth = $_GET['color'];
// Do something with the info
echo "You Screen's Resolution is $res, Your Available Screen Resolution is $avail_res, and the Color Depth on your screen is $color_depth.";
Thats it!!
Hope it may help someone!

martellare at hotmail dot com (15-Mar-2003 08:28)

I do not think you are right about not being able to specify something for the value attribute, but I can see where you would have thought it would fail:

A fair warning about testing to see if a variable exists...
when it comes to strings, the values '' and '0' are interpreted as false when tested this way...

if ($string) { ... }  //false for $string == '' || $string == '0'

The best practice for testing to see if you received a variable from the form (which in the case of a checkbox, only happens when it is checked) is to test using this...

if ( isSet($string) ) { ... } //true if and only if the variable is set

The function tests to see if the variable has been set, regardless of its contents.

By the way, if anyone's curious, when you do make a checkbox without specifying the value attribute, the value sent from the form for that checkbox becomes 'on'.  (That's for HTML in general, not PHP-specific).

martellare at hotmail dot com (26-Nov-2002 07:25)

A JavaScript Note: Using element indexes to reference form elements can cause problems when you want to add new elements to your form; it can shift the indexes of the elements that are already there.

For example, You've got an array of checkboxes that exist at the beginning of a form:

    <INPUT type="checkbox" name="fruits[]" value="apple">apple
    <INPUT type="checkbox" name="fruits[]" value="orange">orange
    <INPUT type="checkbox" name="fruits[]" value="banana">banana

... These elements could be referenced in JavaScript like so:

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    var index = 0; //could be 1 or 2 as well

However, if you added a new textbox before these elements, the checkboxes indexes become 1 - 3 instead of 0 - 2;  That can mess up what ever code you create depending on those indexes.

Instead, try referencing your html arrays in JavaScript this way.  I know it works in Netscape 4 & IE 6, I hope it to some extent is universal...

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    var message = "";
    for (var i = 0; i < document.forms[0].elements['fruits[]'].length; i++)
        message += "events[" + i + "]: " + document.forms[0].elements['fruits[]'][i].value + "\n";


karatidt at web dot de (17-Nov-2002 08:57)

this code selects all elements with javascript
and hands them over to an array in php *sorry my english is not good*


<script language="JavaScript">
function SelectAll(combo)
   for (var i=0;i<combo.options.length;i++)

html code:
<form name="form" action="<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>" method="post">
<select name="auswahl[]" size="10" multiple>
<option value="bill@ms.com">Bill Gates</option>
<option value="bill@unemployed.com">Bill Clinton</option>
<option value="bart@brat.com">Bart Simpson</option>
<option value="oj@free.com">OJ Simpson</option>
<option value="j@nbc.com">Jay Leno</option>

<input type="submit" name="submit1"  value="OK" onclick="SelectAll(document.form.elements['auswahl[]'])">

php code:

$auswahl = $_POST["auswahl"];
foreach ($auswahl as $value)
        echo $value."<br>";

bas at cipherware dot nospam dot com (17-Oct-2002 05:52)

Ad 3. "How do I create arrays in a HTML <form>?":

You may have problems to access form elements, which have [] in their name, from JavaScript. The following syntax works in IE and Mozilla (Netscape).

index = 0;
theForm = document.forms[0];
theTextField = theForm['elementName[]'][index];

hjncom at hjncom dot net (25-May-2002 11:30)

I think '[' and ']' are valid characters for name attributes.

-> InputType of 'name' attribute is 'CDATA'(not 'NAME' type)

-> about CDATA('name' attribute is not 'NAME' type!)
...CDATA is a sequence of characters from the document character set and may include character entities...

--> about character entity references in HTML 4
([ - &#91, ] - &#93)