数组 函数
在线手册:中文 英文


(PHP 4 >= 4.0.5, PHP 5)



mixed array_reduce ( array $input , callback $function [, int $initial ] )

array_reduce() 将回调函数 function 迭代地作用到 input 数组中的每一个单元中,从而将数组简化为单一的值。如果指定了可选参数 initial,该参数将被当成是数组中的第一个值来处理,或者如果数组为空的话就作为最终返回值。如果数组为空并且没有传递 initial 参数,array_reduce() 返回 NULL

Example #1 array_reduce() 例子

function rsum($v$w)
$v += $w;

$v *= $w;

$a = array(12345);
$x = array();
$b array_reduce($a"rsum");
$c array_reduce($a"rmul"10);
$d array_reduce($x"rsum"1);

这将使 $b 的值为 15$c 的值为 1200(= 10*1*2*3*4*5),以及 $d 的值为 1

参见 array_filter()array_map()array_unique()array_count_values()

数组 函数
在线手册:中文 英文
PHP手册 - N: 用回调函数迭代地将数组简化为单一的值


hans+php at pleasedontspamme dot hansdude dot com (02-Nov-2011 04:18)

This function is named fold in functional programming languages such as lisp, ocaml, haskell, and erlang. Python just calls it reduce.

aercolino at yahoo dot com (21-Apr-2010 03:17)

Thanks to php at keith tyler dot com, knowing that "if you do not provide $initial, the first value used in the iteration is NULL", we can write callbacks that test for is_null() and take any necessary step.


function andFunc($a, $b) {
  return (
is_null($a) ? true : $a) && $b;
$foo = array(true, true, true);
var_dump(array_reduce($foo, "andFunc"));

It returns bool(true), as expected.

php at keith tyler dot com (18-Apr-2010 11:30)

It seems that $initial is a required value; if you do not provide $initial, the first value used in the iteration is NULL.

Perhaps this is not a problem for callback functions that treat NULL as an identity (e.g. addition), but is a problem for cases when NULL is not identity (such as boolean context).


function andFunc($a,$b) {

returns false! One would expect that it would return true because true&&true&&true == true!

Adding diagnostic output to andFunc() shows that the first call to andFunc is with the arguments (NULL,true). This resolves to false (as (bool)null == false) and thereby corrupts the whole reduction.

So in this case I have to set $initial=true so that the first call to andFunc() will be (true,true). Now, if I were doing, say, orFunc(), I would have to set $initial=false. Beware.

Note that the "rmul" case in the example sneakily hides this defect! They use an $initial of 10 to get 10*1*2*3*4*5=12000. So you would assume that without an initial, you would get 1200/10 = 120 = 1*2*3*4*5. Nope! You get big fat zero, because int(null)==0, and 0*1*2*3*4*5 = 0!

I don't honestly see why array_reduce starts with a null argument. The first call to the callback should be with arguments ($initial[0],$initial[1]) [or whatever the first two array entries are], not (null,$initial[0]). That's what one would expect from the description.

Incidentally this also means that under the current implementation you will incur count($input) number of calls to the callback, not count($input)-1 as you might expect.

Hayley Watson (03-Apr-2010 02:14)

The note by Hrobky immediately below applies only to PHP versions prior to 5.3.0; as noted in the function's version history, $initial is now a "mixed" parameter.

What a difference a year makes :)

Hrobky (01-Apr-2009 10:34)

The initial value have to be int. So it is impossible to implement non-recursive flatten like this:

= array(array(1), array(2), array(3));
$result = array_reduce($arr, 'array_merge', array());
// expected: $result == array (1, 2, 3)

I get: Warning: array_merge() : Argument #1 is not an array.

If $initial parameter is not an int, array_reduce passes 0 (zero) to the callback function. Hayley Watson's note suggests a solution:

= array();
$arr as $a)
$acc = array_merge($acc, $a);
// now: $acc == array (1, 2, 3)

Hayley Watson (23-Oct-2007 10:49)

To make it clearer about what the two parameters of the callback are for, and what "reduce to a single value" actually means (using associative and commutative operators as examples may obscure this).

The first parameter to the callback is an accumulator where the result-in-progress is effectively assembled. If you supply an $initial value the accumulator starts out with that value, otherwise it starts out null.
The second parameter is where each value of the array is passed during each step of the reduction.
The return value of the callback becomes the new value of the accumulator. When the array is exhausted, array_reduce() returns accumulated value.

If you carried out the reduction by hand, you'd get something like the following lines, every one of which therefore producing the same result:
(array(1,2,3,4), 'f',         99             );
array_reduce(array(2,3,4),   'f',       f(99,1)          );
array_reduce(array(3,4),     'f',     f(f(99,1),2)       );
array_reduce(array(4),       'f',   f(f(f(99,1),2),3)    );
array_reduce(array(),        'f', f(f(f(f(99,1),2),3),4) );

If you made function f($v,$w){return "f($v,$w)";} the last line would be the literal result.

A PHP implementation might therefore look something like this (less details like error checking and so on):
function array_reduce($array, $callback, $initial=null)
$acc = $initial;
$array as $a)
$acc = $callback($acc, $a);

Janez R. (30-Jul-2007 04:27)

--REPOST, fixed some typos, please replace previous note--
In PHP ver. 4.3.1 the initial value parameter allowed for string type also. In PHP ver. 5.1.6 this param is now converted to int and callback function will receive number 0 when initial param is an empty string.

function arc ($reduced, $item)
$reduced = $item.$reduced;

array_reduce( array(a,b,c), "arc", "" );

Output in PHP 4.3.1: cba
Output in PHP 5.1.6: cba0

Possible solution:
function arc ($reduced, $item)
  if (
$reduced === 0$reduced = "";
$reduced = $item.$reduced;

yuki [dot] kodama [at] gmail [dot] com (31-Jan-2007 04:56)

This code will reduce array deeply.

function print_s($s) {
is_null($s) ? "NULL" : (is_array($s) ? "Array" : ($s ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"));
r_and_dp($a, $b) {
"phase1:" . print_s($a) . "," . print_s($b) . "<br>\n";
is_array($a)) {
$a = array_reduce($a, "r_and_dp");
is_array($b)) {
$b = array_reduce($b, "r_and_dp");
"phase2:" . print_s($a) . "," . print_s($b) . "<br>\n";
$a = is_null($a) ? TRUE : $a;
$b = is_null($b) ? TRUE : $b;
"phase3:" . print_s($a) . "," . print_s($b) . "<br>\n";
$a && $b;
$bools = array(TRUE, array(FALSE, TRUE), TRUE);
print_s(array_reduce($bools, "r_and_dp")) . "<br>\n";

// result: FALSE

When using boolean, you have to carefully set an "initial" argument.

function r_or_dp($a, $b) {
is_array($a)) {
$a = array_reduce($a, "r_or_dp");
is_array($b)) {
$b = array_reduce($b, "r_or_dp");
    return (
is_null($a) ? FALSE : $a) || (is_null($b) ? FALSE : $b);

bdechka at yahoo dot ca (10-Jan-2007 08:57)

The above code works better this way.

function reduceToTable($html, $p) {
$html .= "<TR><TD><a href=\"$p.html\">$p</a></td></tr>\n";

$list = Array("page1", "page2", "page3");

$tab = array_reduce($list, "reduceToTable");
"<table>".$tab . "</table>\n";

marcel dot oehler at kubusmedia dot com (08-Feb-2006 03:26)

I've just experienced some really strange behaviour of array_reduce in PHP 5.0.4:

$result = array( 0, 17, 0, 0, 33, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50);
$total = array_reduce( $result, "sumCalc", 0);

function sumCalc( $a, $b){
    return $a + $b;

and $total equals to 83!

I know, this could be done easier, but it should work nevertheless. Has anybody experienced something similar? I will avoid using array_reduce in the future...

Seanj.jcink.com (05-Jan-2006 02:23)

The code posted below by bishop to count the characters of an array is simply... erm... well useless to me...

strlen(implode("",$array)); //6

works; and is much smaller. Probably much faster too.

ildar [DASH] sh [AT] mail [DOT] ru (30-Nov-2005 06:02)

in rare cases when an array is a set of numeric values and result is one of sum or product of numbers the next examples may be useful


// sum of array items
echo eval('return ' . implode('+', $nums) . ';');

// product of array items
echo eval('return ' . implode('*', $nums) . ';');


the reason of these codes is omitting of single used per script of callbacks

david dot tulloh at infaze dot com dot au (23-Jun-2005 09:18)

The code supplied by cuntbubble is unfortunately incorrect.

Running it I got the output:
0<TR><TD><a href="page1.html">page1</a></td>
<TR><TD><a href="page2.html">page2</a></td>
<TR><TD><a href="page3.html">page3</a></td>

So php, not finding an integer, used int(0) to start the process.  I've tested to confirm this.

bishop (01-May-2004 04:19)

Count the total number of characters in an array of strings:

= array ('abc', 'd', 'ef');
$totalChars = array_reduce($lines, create_function('$v,$w','return $v + strlen($w);'), 0);
// $totalChars === 6

tonicpeddler at aol dot com (02-Nov-2002 03:17)

in response to php dot net at cuntbubble dot com

actually when you pass a value to a function that accepts a specific data type, php automatically evaluates that value as the data type expected

php dot net at cuntbubble dot com (18-Jan-2002 04:08)

There is an error/misleading item in the documentation

[, int initial]

int is not constrained to an integer, it can be any data type (although I've not tested ALL data types)

and $v is the cumulative part, the current value of the reduction.

and I'll take the liberty to add another example, as used in my code

function reduceToTable($html, $p) {
$html .= "<TR><TD><a href=\"$p.html\">$p</a></td>\n";

$list = Array("page1", "page2", "page3");

$tab = array_reduce($list, "reduceToTable", "<table>\n");
$tab . "</table>\n";

hmm, getting stuff on one line sure is tricky, it get's wordwrapped on the char count in html so &gt; counts as 4 chars not one so by the time you've counted "< you've used up 8 chars
If it get's through moderation could someone please make it look ok :)