Math 函数
在线手册:中文 英文


(PHP 4, PHP 5)



string decbin ( int $number )

返回一字符串,包含有给定 number 参数的二进制表示。所能转换的最大数值为十进制的 4294967295,其结果为 32 个 1 的字符串。

Example #1 decbin() 范例

echo decbin(12) . "\n";



参见 bindec()decoct()dechex()base_convert()



Decimal value to convert

Range of inputs on 32-bit machines
positive number negative number return value
0   0
1   1
2   10
... normal progression ...
2147483646   1111111111111111111111111111110
2147483647 (largest signed integer)   1111111111111111111111111111111 (31 1's)
2147483648 -2147483648 10000000000000000000000000000000
... normal progression ...
4294967294 -2 11111111111111111111111111111110
4294967295 (largest unsigned integer) -1 11111111111111111111111111111111 (32 1's)
Range of inputs on 64-bit machines
positive number negative number return value
0   0
1   1
2   10
... normal progression ...
9223372036854775806   111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110
9223372036854775807 (largest signed integer)   111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 (63 1's)
  -9223372036854775808 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
... normal progression ...
  -2 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110
  -1 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 (64 1's)


Binary string representation of number


Example #2 decbin() example

echo decbin(12) . "\n";




Math 函数
在线手册:中文 英文
PHP手册 - N: 十进制转换为二进制


p2233 at hotmail dot com (08-Jun-2011 12:22)

Here's a generic binary output formatter. It is based on the function in above comments, but lets you specify how many bits your want formatted.

     * Output an x bit string representing a binary value.
     * Default is 8 bits ie. 0000 0000
     * eg. fmt_binary($x,32) : output a 32-bit binary representation of $x
     * @param string $x x-bit formatted binary
function fmt_binary($x, $numbits = 8) {
// Convert to binary
$bin = decbin($x);
$bin = substr(str_repeat(0,$numbits),0,$numbits - strlen($bin)) . $bin;
// Split into x 4-bits long
$rtnval = '';
        for (
$x = 0; $x < $numbits/4; $x++) {
$rtnval .= ' ' . substr($bin,$x*4,4);
// Get rid of first space.
return ltrim($rtnval);

okram at NOSPAMcivokram dot com (07-Jan-2011 03:04)

Here's a simple decbin function that uses BC Math. It works only for positive numbers and has no upper limit for $dec (except computation time).

function bcdecbin($dec) {
$bin = '';
    while (
$dec) {
$m = bcmod($dec, 2);
$dec = bcdiv($dec, 2);
$bin .= abs($m);

J.M. van Leeuwen (23-Aug-2010 09:11)

I was surprised by decbin's size limitation. Here is a function without size limitation. It supports much bigger values (like 11.435.168.214), but doesn't support signs because I didn't need signs (yet).

function dec2bin($dec){
// Better function for dec to bin. Support much bigger values, but doesn’t support signs
$n = floor($r/2); $b = ($r-$n*2).$b; $r = $n; // $r%2 is inaccurate when using bigger values (like 11.435.168.214)!
    return (

Nitrogen (21-Jul-2009 06:30)

Decimal to Binary conversion using the BCMath extension.


function BCDec2Bin($Input='') {
preg_match("/^\d+$/",$Input)) {
$Input!='0') {


This will simply convert from Base-10 to Base-2 using BCMath (arbitrary precision calculation).

See also: my 'BCBin2Dec' function on the 'bindec' document.

Kay (04-Oct-2008 01:04)

I think this is the best function. Is almost endlessy (till 2^50 or something)

function bin($int)
$i = 0;
$binair = "";
$int >= pow(2,$i))
$i != 0)
$i = $i-1; //max i

$i >= 0)
$int - pow(2,$i) < 0)
$binair = "0".$binair;
$binair = "1".$binair;
$int = $int - pow(2,$i);

$getal = $_GET['getal'];


avenger at avenger dot ws (24-Aug-2008 02:25)

Careful trying binary-wise tests with integers:

command: php -r 'print(decbin(4294967295)."\n");'
result: 11111111111111111111111111111111

# C3E9CAC8
command: php -r 'print(decbin(3286878920)."\n");'
result: 11000011111010011100101011001000

# regardless of specifying "(int)", using bitwise AND:
command: php -r 'print((int)(3286878920 & 4294967295)."\n");'
result: -1008088376 (int)

# now the expected result will happen (guess the performance impact)
command: php -r 'print(bindec(decbin((3286878920 & 4294967295)))."\n");'
result: 3286878920 (float)

additional note: if you "bitwise and" some random bits with a sequence of 1-bit of the same length, the expected result is the same "random bits sequence" unchanged. If you want to keep this in the integer world for faster comparisons, you risk messing your result for the signed integer size limitation. The maximum value you can use for the desired result is (7FFFFFFF -- or integer 2147483647), half of the maximum 'unsigned' integer 32-bit(platform-dependent) value.

darkshad3 at yahoo dot com (15-Feb-2007 11:15)

Print bindecValues("1023");

bindecValues($decimal, $reverse=false, $inverse=false) {
1. This function takes a decimal, converts it to binary and returns the
     decimal values of each individual binary value (a 1) in the binary string.
     You can use larger decimal values if you pass them to the function as a string!
2. The second optional parameter reverses the output.
3. The third optional parameter inverses the binary string, eg 101 becomes 010.
-- darkshad3 at yahoo dot com

$bin = decbin($decimal);
    if (
$inverse) {
$bin = str_replace("0", "x", $bin);
$bin = str_replace("1", "0", $bin);
$bin = str_replace("x", "1", $bin);
$total = strlen($bin);
$stock = array();
    for (
$i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) {
        if (
$bin{$i} != 0) {
$bin_2 = str_pad($bin{$i}, $total - $i, 0);
array_push($stock, bindec($bin_2));
$reverse ? rsort($stock):sort($stock);
implode(", ", $stock);

The printed result is : 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512

heavyraptor (27-Jul-2006 04:18)

I wrote the decoder for the output of Xavier Daull's function "BinString2BinSequence".

function bs2string($bitseq) {
  if (
strlen($bitseq) % 8 != 0) return false;
$str = "";
$bitseqlen = strlen($bitseq);
$i = 0; $i < $bitseqlen; $i += 8) {
$str .= chr(bindec(substr($bitseq,$i,8)));

Have fun

Xavier Daull (04-Feb-2006 10:57)

A fast function to convert a binary string to a bit sequence


function BinString2BitSequence($mystring) {   
$mybitseq = "";
$end = strlen($mystring);
$i = 0 ; $i < $end; $i++){
$mybyte = decbin(ord($mystring[$i])); // convert char to bit string
$mybitseq .= substr("00000000",0,8 - strlen($mybyte)) . $mybyte; // 8 bit packed

BinString2BitSequence("ABCDEF"); // OUTPUT=010000010100001001000011010001000100010101000110


(06-Jan-2006 02:29)

Just an example:
If you convert 26 to bin you'll get 11010, which is 5 chars long. If you need the full 8-bit value use this:

$bin = decbin(26);
$bin = substr("00000000",0,8 - strlen($bin)) . $bin;

This will convert 11010 to 00011010.

j dot preece at gmail dot com (03-Jan-2006 01:00)

It occured to me there must be a simple way to produce binary numbers from decimal ones with any number of bits, here's my attempt at a decimal to extended binary function. I hope the comments make it clear:


function decextbin($decimalnumber,$bit)
/* decextbin function
            by James Preece (
    Please feel free to use this function. If you find
    if useful I would love to hear from you.

    /* Function to return a binary number with as many
    bits as are requested...
    This works on the following principal. A binary number
    represents a figure 2,4,8,16 etc. If we work from the
    top down we can determine if a number contains each figure
    as a fraction and then work with what remains.
    For example, if we wish to display the number 10 as a 4 bit
    number we first discover the figure of the maximum bit by doubling
    four times:

    1 2 4 8
    The maxiumum figure is 8.
    Next we work down the figures:
    8 goes in to 10 so the first digit is 1 leaving 2
    4 does not go in to 2 so the second digit is 0
    2 goes in to 2 so the third digit is 1
    1 does not go in to 0 so the fourth digit is 0
    Output: 1010
    Now for the actual code!

    First we find that maximum value represented by the
    leftmost binary digit. For error checking purposes
    we also calulate the maximum number we can display
    using the number of bits requested:        */
$maxval = 1;
$sumval = 1;
$maxval = $maxval * 2;
$sumval = $sumval + $maxval;
/* Using our sumval we now check if it is possible
    to display the decimal number our function received: */
if ($sumval < $decimalnumber) return 'ERROR - Not enough bits to display this figure in binary.';
/* Then we work down through the figures, to get a
    better idea of how this works remove the commenting
    from the echo lines */
//echo 'Bit Value: '.$bitvalue.'<br />';
            //echo 'Decimal Number: '.$decimalnumber.'<br />';
if (($decimalnumber/$bitvalue) >= 1) $thisbit = 1; else $thisbit = 0;
//echo 'This Bit: '.$thisbit.'<br /><br />';
if ($thisbit == 1) $decimalnumber = $decimalnumber - $bitvalue;
$binarynumber .= $thisbit;

/* Finally we return the output... */

return $binarynumber;


An example usage might be like so:


for ($i = 0;$i<=8;$i++)
decextbin($i,4).'<br />';




No need for padding or anything - also goes way over 32 bits. Huzzah. I suspect its limited by the maximum string length in php. Hmmm - Not sure what that is.

Stefan (03-Mar-2005 07:35)

matt at nexxmedia dot com (06-Dec-2002 04:29) said:

(decbin ($decval),8,'0');

produces the same results!

(08-Feb-2005 03:27)

base_convert( base_convert('100001000100000000010001001000


this function doesn't work

(27-Nov-2004 03:26)

<?php // function for converting values >= 2147483648 (2^16)
function decbin4long($long) {
// idea from

gene_wood at example dot com (15-Oct-2003 10:38)

This is just an extension off of the first comment. This is a pair of function to convert from an array of binary values to an integer and vice versa. It has a touch of error checking.

* Will convert an array of binary values into an integer for storage
* @param        array       $data_array     Array of 31 or less binary values
* @return       integer                     Encoded integer
function array_to_binary_int($data_array) {
    if (count($data_array) > 31) return FALSE;
    foreach ($data_array as $key => $value) {
        if ($value) $data_array[$key] = 1;
        if (!$value) $data_array[$key] = 0;
    $binstring = strrev(implode('', $data_array));
    $bit_integer = bindec($binstring);
    return $bit_integer;

* Will convert a stored integer into an array of binary values
* @param        integer       $data_integer     Encoded integer
* @return       integer                         Array of binary values
function binary_int_to_array($data_integer) {
    if (($data_integer > 2147483647) OR ($data_integer < 0)) return FALSE;
    $binstring = strrev(str_pad(decbin ($data_integer),31,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT));
    $bitarray = explode(":",chunk_split($binstring, 1, ":"));
    return $bitarray;

php at silisoftware dot com (01-Mar-2002 03:15)

Another larger-than-31-bit function.
Works for very large numbers, but at the expense of perfect bit-precision as the size increases (I noticed rounding errors past 16 or so decimal places) so use with caution, and only when decbin() won't cut it.

function Dec2Bin($number) {
    while ($number >= 256) {
        $bytes[] = (($number / 256) - (floor($number / 256))) * 256;
        $number = floor($number / 256);
    $bytes[] = $number;
    for ($i=0;$i<count($bytes);$i++) {
        $binstring = (($i == count($bytes) - 1) ? decbin($bytes[$i]) : str_pad(decbin($bytes[$i]), 8, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT)).$binstring;
    return $binstring;

ajl at gmx dot de (08-Oct-2001 09:47)

HERE you can convert 64bit instead of 32bit with the standard decbin
function bigdecbin($dec,$doublewords=1) {
    $erg = "";
    do {
          $rest = $dec%2147483648;
          if ($rest<0) $rest+=2147483648;
          $erg = str_pad(decbin($rest),31,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT).$erg;
          $dec = ($dec-$rest)/2147483648;
      } while (($dec>0)&&(!($dec<1)));
      return str_pad($erg,$doublewords*31,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT);

echo "<pre>";
for ($i=1.5*2147483647.0-10;$i<1.5*2147483647.0+10;$i++) {
    echo "DEC:".$i." BIN:".bigdecbin($i,2)."<br>";
echo "</pre>";