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declare 结构用来设定一段代码的执行指令。declare 的语法和其它流程控制结构相似:

declare (directive)

directive 部分允许设定 declare 代码段的行为。目前只认识两个指令:ticks(更多信息见下面 ticks 指令)以及 encoding(更多信息见下面 encoding指令)。

Note: encoding 是 PHP 5.3.0 新增指令。

declare 代码段中的 statement 部分将被执行——怎样执行以及执行中有什么副作用出现取决于 directive 中设定的指令。

declare 结构也可用于全局范围,影响到其后的所有代码(但如果有 declare 结构的文件被其它文件包含,它对包含它的文件不起作用)。

// these are the same:

// you can use this:
declare(ticks=1) {
// entire script here

// or you can use this:
// entire script here



ticks 指令在 PHP 5.3.0 中是过时指令,将会从 PHP 6.0.0 移除。

Tick 是一个在 declare 代码段中解释器每执行 N 条低级语句就会发生的事件。N 的值是在 declare 中的 directive 部分用 ticks=N 来指定的。

在每个 tick 中出现的事件是由 register_tick_function() 来指定的。更多细节见下面的例子。注意每个 tick 中可以出现多个事件。

Example #1 评估一段 PHP 代码的执行时间

// A function that records the time when it is called
function profile($dump FALSE)

// Return the times stored in profile, then erase it
if ($dump) {
$temp $profile;
        return (

$profile[] = microtime();

// Set up a tick handler

// Initialize the function before the declare block

// Run a block of code, throw a tick every 2nd statement
declare(ticks=2) {
    for (
$x 1$x 50; ++$x) {
similar_text(md5($x), md5($x*$x)), "<br />;";

// Display the data stored in the profiler
print_r(profile (TRUE));
这个例子评估“declare”中的 PHP 代码,每执行两条低级语句就记录一次时间。此信息可以用来找到一段特定代码中速度慢的部分。这个过程也可以用其它方法完成,但用 tick 更方便也更容易实现。

Ticks 很适合用来做调试,以及实现简单的多任务,后台 I/O 和很多其它任务。

参见 register_tick_function()unregister_tick_function()


A script's encoding can be specified per-script using the encoding directive.

Example #2 Declaring an encoding for the script.

// code here


When combined with namespaces, the only legal syntax for declare is declare(encoding='...'); where ... is the encoding value. declare(encoding='...') {} will result in a parse error when combined with namespaces.

The encoding declare value is ignored in PHP 5.3 unless php is compiled with --enable-zend-multibyte. In PHP 6.0, the encoding directive will be used to inform the scanner what encoding the file is created in. Legal values are encoding names such as UTF-8.

在线手册:中文 英文
PHP手册 - N: declare


Tom Samplonius (01-Apr-2011 11:02)

The tick handler is intended for code profiling.  You can use it to determine the number of time units (ticks) that a chunk of code takes.  And you can vary the tick frequency so profiling doesn't impact your specific code too much.  A tick handler can gather other useful performance data, besides just counting ticks.

You can use the tick handler to poll that your connection is a alive, but this will block your entire script.  Polling connection status is no substitute for checking return values, and using timeouts on any function that connects to an external system.

ramamneh at gmail dot com (19-Dec-2010 07:15)

check loaded server connection

= false;
checkConnection( $connectionWaitingTime = 3 )
// check connection & time
global $time,$connection;
    if( (
$t = (time() - $time)) >= $waitingTime  && !$connection){ 
        echo (
"<p> Server not responding  for <strong>$t</strong> seconds !! </p>");
"Connection aborted");

$time = time();
declare (
true ){ // connecting to loaded server
$connection = true ;

Anonymous (27-Sep-2010 10:10)

It's amazing how many people didn't grasp the concept here. Note the wording in the documentation. It states that the tick handler is called every n native execution cycles. That means native instructions, not including system calls (i'm guessing). This can give you a very good idea if you need to optimize a particular part of your script, since you can measure quite effectively how many native instructions are in your actual code.

A good profiler would take that into account, and force you, the developer, to include calls to the profiler as you're entering and leaving every function. That way you'd be able to keep an eye on how many cycles it took each function to complete. Independent of time.

That is extremely powerful, and not to be underestimated. A good solution would allow aggregate stats, so the total time in a function would be counted, including inside called functions.

markandrewslade at dontspamemeat dot gmail (13-Feb-2009 05:06)

Note that the two methods for calling declare are not identical.

Method 1:

// Print "tick" with a timestamp and optional suffix.
function do_tick($str = '') {
$sec, $usec) = explode(' ', microtime());
printf("[%.4f] Tick.%s\n", $sec + $usec, $str);

// Tick once before declaring so we have a point of reference.

// Method 1
1) sleep(1);

/* Output:
[1234544435.7160] Tick.--start--
[1234544435.7161] Tick.
[1234544435.7162] Tick.
[1234544436.7163] Tick.
[1234544437.7166] Tick.


Method 2:
// Print "tick" with a timestamp and optional suffix.
function do_tick($str = '') {
$sec, $usec) = explode(' ', microtime());
printf("[%.4f] Tick.%s\n", $sec + $usec, $str);

// Tick once before declaring so we have a point of reference.

// Method 2
declare(ticks=1) {
1) sleep(1);

/* Output:
[1234544471.6486] Tick.--start--
[1234544472.6489] Tick.
[1234544473.6490] Tick.
[1234544474.6492] Tick.
[1234544475.6493] Tick.

Notice that when using {} after declare, do_tick wasn't auto-called until about 1 second after we entered the declare {} block.  However when not using the {}, do_tick was auto-called not once but twice immediately after calling declare();.

I'm assuming this is due to how PHP handles ticking internally.  That is, declare() without the {} seems to trigger more low-level instructions which in turn fires tick a few times (if ticks=1) in the act of declaring.

anotheruser at example dot com (24-Aug-2008 12:50)

Code evaluation script which uses debug_backtrace() to get execution time in ns, relative current line number, function, file, and calling function info on each tick, and shove it all in $script_stats array.  See debug_backtrace manual to customize what info is collected.

Warning: this will exhaust allowed memory very easily, so adjust tick counter according to the size of your code.  Also, array_key_exists checking on debug_backtrace arrays is removed here only to keep this example simple, but should be added to avoid a large number of resulting PHP Notice errors.


= array();
$time = microtime(true);

$trace = debug_backtrace();
$exe_time = (microtime(true) - $time) * 1000;
$func_args = implode(", ",$trace[1]["args"]);
$script_stats[] = array(
"current_time" => microtime(true),
"memory" => memory_get_usage(true),
"file" => $trace[1]["file"].': '.$trace[1]["line"],
"function" => $trace[1]["function"].'('.$func_args.')',
"called_by" => $trace[2]["function"].' in '.$trace[2]["file"].': '.$trace[2]["line"],
"ns" => $exe_time
$time = microtime(true);

ticks = 1);

// the rest of your project code

// output $script_stats into a html table or something


zabmilenko at charter dot net (08-Jan-2008 09:49)

If you misspell the directive, you won't get any error or warning.  The declare block will simply act as a nest for statements:

declare(tocks="four hundred")
// Has no affect on code and produces
    // no error or warning.

Tested in php 5.2.5 on XPsp2

rsemil at gmail dot com (06-Jan-2008 02:30)

rosen_ivanov's solution can be replaced by a simple call to memory_get_peak_usage() if you're running at least PHP 5.2.0

rosen_ivanov at abv dot bg (28-Aug-2006 02:06)

As Chris already noted, ticks doesn't make your script multi-threaded, but they are still great. I use them mainly for profiling - for example, placing the following at the very beginning of the script allows you to monitor its memory usage:


function profiler($return=false) {
    if (
$return) return "$m bytes";
    if ((
$mem=memory_get_usage())>$m) $m = $mem;


Your code here

echo profiler(true);


This approach is more accurate than calling memory_get_usage only in the end of the script. It has some performance overhead though :)

aeolianmeson at NOSPAM dot blitzeclipse dot com (30-May-2006 08:06)

The scope of the declare() call if used without a block is a little unpredictable, in my experience. It appears that if placed in a method or function, it may not apply to the calls that ensue, like the following:

function a()

// The declare may not apply here, sometimes.

So, if all of a sudden the signals are getting ignored, check this. At the risk of losing the ability to make a mathematical science out of placing a number of activities at varying durations of ticks like many people have chosen to do, I've found it simple to just put this at the top of the code, and just make it global.

warhog at warhog dot net (18-Dec-2005 08:39)

as i read about ticks the first time i thought "wtf, useless crap" - but then i discovered some usefull application...

you can declare a tick-function which checks each n executions of your script whether the connection is still alive or not, very usefull for some kind of scripts to decrease serverload


function check_connection()
{ if (
// do something here, e.g. close database connections
      // (or  use a shutdown function for this
exit; }


declare (
// put your PHP-Script here
  // you may increase/decrease the number of ticks


chris-at-free-source.com (28-Feb-2005 08:16)

Also note that PHP is run in a single thread and so everything it does will be one line of code at a time.  I'm not aware of any true threading support in PHP, the closest you can get is to fork.

so, declare tick doens't "multi-thread" at all, it is simply is a way to automaticaly call a function every n-lines of code.

fok at nho dot com dot br (08-Jul-2003 02:45)

This is a very simple example using ticks to execute a external script to show rx/tx data from the server


function traf(){
passthru( './traf.sh' );
"<br />\n";
flush(); // keeps it flowing to the browser...
sleep( 1 );

register_tick_function( "traf" );

ticks=1 ){
true ){}   // to keep it running...


contents of traf.sh:
# Shows TX/RX for eth0 over 1sec

TX1=`cat /proc/net/dev | grep "eth0" | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{print $9}'`
RX1=`cat /proc/net/dev | grep "eth0" | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{print $1}'`
sleep 1
TX2=`cat /proc/net/dev | grep "eth0" | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{print $9}'`
RX2=`cat /proc/net/dev | grep "eth0" | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{print $1}'`

echo -e "TX: $[ $TX2 - $TX1 ] bytes/s \t RX: $[ $RX2 - $RX1 ] bytes/s"
#--= the end. =--

daniel@swn (01-Feb-2003 07:56)


a() {
$i=0;$i<=100000;$i++) { }
"function a() ";
b() {
$i=0;$i<=100000;$i++) { }
"function b() ";

register_tick_function ("a");
register_tick_function ("b");

declare (
You will see that a() and b() are slowing down this process. They are in fact not executed every second as expected. So this function is not a real alternative for multithreading using some slow functions..there is no difference to this way: while (true) { a(); b(); sleep(1); }

xxoes (08-Jan-2003 10:23)

If i use ticks i must declare all functions before i call the function.


Dosn't work
function ticks() {

declare (
ticks=1) 1;


foo(); // Call to undefined function.

function foo() {

function ticks() {

//declare (ticks=1) 1;

echo "";


foo() {

win2k : PHP 4.3.0 (cgi-fcgi)

rob_spamsux at rauchmedien dot ihatespam dot com (19-Mar-2002 10:45)

Correction to above note:

Apparently, the end brace '}' at the end of the statement causes a tick.

So using

declare (ticks=1) echo "1 tick after this prints";

gives the expected behavior of causing 1 tick.

Note: the tick is issued after the statement executes.

Also, after playing around with this, I found that it is not really the multi-tasking I had expected. It behaves the same as simply calling the functions. I.e. each function must finish before passing the baton to the next function. They do not run in parallel.

It also seems that they always run in the order in which they were registered.


# register tick functions
register_tick_function ("a");
register_tick_function ("b");

# make the tick functions run
declare (ticks=1);

is equivalent to


It is simply a convenient way to have functions called periodically while some other code is being executed. I.e. you could use it to periodically check the status of something and then exit the script or do something else based on the status.

rob_spamsux at rauchmedien dot ihatespam dot com (19-Mar-2002 09:58)

Here is an example of multi-tasking / multi-threading:

# declare functions
function a() {
b() {

# register tick functions
register_tick_function ("a");
register_tick_function ("b");

# make the tick functions run
declare (ticks=1);

# that's all there is to it.

This will make functions a and b run once each at the same time.

If you try:

declare (ticks=1) {

They will run twice each. That is because it seems to be an undocumented fact that there is always an extra tick.


declare (ticks=2) {

Will cause them to run once.